Possible protection against covid 19

Hello. First of all, i have to say that i haven't found a health professional that says that a raw vegan diet, or a diet with high content of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and greens gives us 100% guarantee that we will not get covid 19, and i don't know if what i write in this article will give you 100% protection. I found some articles that could help in this regard, protection against the covid 19 virus . One of the articles talks about how enzymes strengthen the immune system. Enzymes are "long-chain proteins that take various forms and cause specific key actions throughout the body. Among other things, they help the body in healing and regenerating functions and facilitate the action of the immune system, which plays a key role in preventing disease development." (definition from https://www.easistent.ro/?p=3623) Enzymes strengthen the immune system so we could conclude that it might also protect us from covid 19. Biochemist T. Colin Campbell is quite confident that a vegan diet represents a comprehensive long-term solution for coping with viral diseases like covid 19. These enzymes are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, greens (all raw). Given that there are people who eat raw vegan, ie exclusively raw plant foods and that many of them have managed to cure various serious diseases (you can find a few testimonials at the end of this article), to which is added the potential protective role against covid (without having a guarantee in this regard) due to the strengthening of the immune system, I recommend as a precaution that at least half of the foods you eat in a day should be raw plant foods. It's just my unprofessional advice. If someone tries a raw vegan diet, I can say that I am fine with a diet with moderate, or sometimes high fat content (olives, avocado, coconut, walnut, etc.) in addition to fruits, vegetables, greens, seeds, but probably each person realizes what suits him best. I started this diet for 7 months. My body is much more elastic, I have enough physical energy, I can do sports, my heart problem has passed, I am happier, I have more confidence in myself, my voice is a bit more beautiful, my physique is a bit more beautiful ... .I have more inspiration when I create jokes or sometimes poems but my mental problem did not pass. Nutrition has helped the psyche, but i also need friends besides family, more love. Communicating with friends helps me a lot.

The second article I found talks about how a diet rich in plant products led to an increased number of antibodies to the hepatitis B virus. The study found that those who consumed more animal products had fewer antibodies to this virus. Given this aspect, to which is added the positive effect on the health of a diet consisting only of plant products, the author of the article (biochemist T. Colin Campbell) says that we can think that such a diet could protect us from the covid 19 virus. The author also says that he already has strong scientific evidence that such a diet effectively reduces comorbidities associated with severe cases of covid 19. Comorbidity means having two or more health problems at the same time. Doctors recommend those who have a diet consisting only of plant products (called vegan) to take a vitamin b12 supplement and in winter vitamin d3. Vitamin b12 is needed but not found in plant products. Interestingly, vitamin b12 is produced in our body in the large intestine, but doctors say that it cannot be absorbed there, because it is absorbed in the small intestine. Vitamin d3 is produced in our body by sun exposure and is not usually found in plant products. However, mushrooms are a source of vitamin d, but vitamin d2 not d3.

Another thing I would like to highlight is what I read in a British Medical Journal article (https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m2840). It seems that the sicker we are now, the greater the risk of being infected with covid. So we need to start looking for ways to be more healthy.
Marco Springmann, principal investigator at the Center for Population Approaches to the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases at the Nuffield Department of Public Health, leads the Center's program on environmental sustainability and public health. He led a study to analyze the health and environmental implications of adopting national food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) at the national level and in comparison with global health and environmental goals. He and his team found that the adoption of national dietary guidelines based on food was associated with reductions in premature mortality of 15% on average and mixed changes in the demand for environmental resources, including a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 13% on average.
This study suggests that national guidelines could be both healthier and more sustainable. Providing clearer advice on limiting the consumption of animal foods in most contexts, especially beef and dairy, has been shown to have the greatest potential for increasing the environmental sustainability of dietary guidelines, while increasing intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds and legumes, reducing the intake of red and processed meat (given the association between red meat and increased risk of mortality from noncommunicable diseases) and highlighting the importance of achieving a balanced intake of energy and weight levels have been associated with most of the additional health benefits. The health outcomes were based on observational data and assumed a causal relationship between dietary risk factors and health outcomes. The certainty of the evidence for these relationships is mostly classified as moderate in existing meta-analysis.

This is the information I wanted to present. I invite you to watch the videos posted below.
I wish you have good health

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date of accessing the site: 29.10.2020

date of accessing the site: 30.10.2020

date of accessing the site: 30.10.2020

date of accessing the sites: 8.07.2020

date of accessing the site: 21.07.2020

date of accessing the site: 30.10.2020

date of accessing the site: 30.10.2020
