What do we really know about covid?

What do we really know about covid 19? What if this virus isn't really new but has just been discovered? If, for example, a test were done and the virus was discovered in those who do not show symptoms, then what conclusion would be drawn? That it existed before or that it spread very quickly? When we are scared, we may not draw the wisest conclusions. It is true that the death of a family member, I'm reffering to those who had this problem in their family, is a cause for sadness, but if we look at statistics in Romania, from 200,000 infected only 7,000 died, about 3%. Probably if we analyze another group as large, over a period of 8 months, 3% would die in this interval anyway due to various health problems. Most of those who died, from what I saw on the statistics, are elderly people who have health problems anyway. So if let's say that 70% of the population has the virus in the body, who knows for how long, maybe since we were born, and now we have a fever and we are tested and the virus is found, this does not mean that this virus caused fever. We had the fever phenomenon before. And there is talk of all sorts of symptoms such as loss of taste. I had covid, now I am healed, but I did not have this symptom. Some might say: well, yes, but after treatment, people heal, so it means that the virus caused the problem. But the treatments that are done do not target in their way only the covid dwarf but it also beats other viruses, some known and others that we probably don't even know they exist. Maybe we were alarmed in vain. Hurry spoils the job. I think more research is needed on the phenomenon. I saw a video in which a doctor said that the Real Time PCR test for covid has an error rate of 50% and that the serological test is actually more accurate. I have heard of cases in which people have been hospitalized and then it was concluded that they did not actually have the virus.

On this subject, British Medical Journal presents some information that makes us think whether this pandemic really has these global proportions or not. I quote from an article in this magazine: "Picking out, at random, a source of antibody test kits, it is concerning to note in the manufacturer’s, ‘Limitations’ information, that the tests, have, 'not been FDA cleared or approved…. Negative results do not rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly in those who have been in contact with the virus. Follow-up testing with a molecular diagnostic should be considered to rule out infection in these individuals….. Results from antibody testing should not be used as the sole basis to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform infection status …. Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43'. It must therefore be asked, in view of the potential for cross-reactivity, why is the traditional use of ‘paired serology’ seemingly not being utilised in these cases?"

The RT-PCR test also seems to have problems. Its inventor, Kary Mullis, who received the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR manufacturing technique,is reported to have said that this technique was designed only for research purposes and not for medical diagnosis. In March 2020, a false positive rate of 80% was reported in China.

A Swiss Institute of Microbiology reported that "real-time RT-PCR-based antigen testing methods have been recognized as reference protocols since mid-January, since the onset of the pandemic in China, and relayed – although not validated – by the World Health Organization ". They also discovered "an incorrect degenerate base that does not match the SARS-CoV-2 RNA sequence" and said that more needs to be done for improvements to the RT-PCR test to increase specificity.

I don't think it's a special crisis, the health crisis has been around for a long time because many people don't pay attention to what they eat and they think it's healthy to eat meat and cooked food even though most beings on earth don't put through fire food before eating it, but we think we are smarter then animals when in fact raw vegan cases of healing(you can find many testimonies on youtube) show us that animals are smarter than us.

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date of accesing the site: 10.11.2020
