I don't have all the solutions. But, think about this please:
How I think the wisdom of this world is, in regard to meekness and health. It is an immune system, a defense of every being. If we create suffering for a being, we will suffer too ... less ... or ... more ... depending on how much suffering we create, something like that. Being as gentle as we can will help us to be healthier and happier
Do you know what ahimsa is? Ahimsa is the practice of non-aggression, peace towards all beings, even towards insects or plants. There are some religions such as the jain religion which has as one of its principles ahimsa. The Jains are careful when they walk not to step on insects. Those who practice ahimsa do not eat meat or eggs. There are studies that have found that meat eaters have an increased risk of cancer. The World Health Organization said a few years ago that the risk of colon cancer increases by 18% if processed meat is consumed. Processed meat is that which has been treated in some way to be preserved or to change its taste: ham, salami, canned meat, sausages. A study by Harvard University concluded that consuming a portion of red meat every day in adolescence increases the risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer by 22% and the same amount of meat in adulthood increases the risk of breast cancer by 13%. Studies in England or Germany have shown that the probability of vegetarians getting cancer is about 40 percent lower than those who eat meat, the most common forms being breast, prostate and colon cancer.
You can read a review of the book "The China Study" written by Thomas Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II - a book about diet; the cause of some diseases is poor nutrition
What I noticed from my own experience is that when I ate meat it was harder for me to be peaceful, I became more aggressive in my relationships with my family members. Something about meat made me behave differently than when i didn't eat animals. So not only physical health suffers from eating meat but also us, our soul, what we feel. Ahimsa, the peaceful behavior towards all beings, I think saves us. Being peaceful with animals makes it easier for us to be peaceful with people. There is peace in our body and then it is easier to manifest it in our relationships with people and other beings. If we include raw fruits and vegetables in our diet, we are mostly physically healthy. It's interesting to read, and you can find it on the internet, Jesus's gospel of peace
date of accessing the site: 14.06.2020
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